Principal Arriba AI4

Source Code of Mind.forth AI
Preliminary public domain source code of Operation Mind.forth of Project Mentifex

 Brian Gregory - AI
Artificial Inteligence Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (SIGART) The special interest group of the ACM on Artificial Intelligence. The site has information on the group, conferences and workshops and has a list of AI resources

Univ. of Alberta - AI Research Group
Find course descriptions, partners, meeting dates, research projects and software.

AI resources on the net
AI resources on the net Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach The following pointers are of interest to those studying AI. The first are general pointers, and the second are more specialized pointers. Within these categories they are in no.

AI in the Mining Industry into the 21st Century
1¾«Ñ÷ñ 2 2 2 2 2 3 AI Applications in the Mining Industry into the consideration before embarking on an AI project. 

Computer Vision and Systems - Vision et Systemes Numeriques
Laboratoire de Vision etSystèmes Numériques Computer Vision andSystems Laboratory Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot Université Laval Sainte-Foy, Québec, Canada 

AI'2000 Call For Papers
AI'2000 Call For Papers AI'2000: The Thirteenth Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 14-17 May, 2000 Palais des Congres, Montréal, Québec, Canada Sponsored by: Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI) /

 Topics in AI: Computational Learning
CS 786P - Topics in Artificial Intelligence Computational Learning Winter 1999 Department of Computer Science University of Waterloo Instructor: Dale Schuurmans, DC1310, x3005,


Principal Arriba AI4